Our programs work together. By combining Nevada College Kick Start, Nevada Prepaid Tuition, 529 plans and Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship, students and families can cover many expenses, such as tuition, books, and housing.
Nevada programs benefit Nevadans. By selecting a Nevada plan, you will have access to benefits only available to Nevadans, including reduced fees, scholarships, and matching grant programs.
Use 529 plans anywhere in the country. All 529 college savings programs, including Nevada Prepaid Tuition, can be used at any institution that accepts federal financial aid.
Plans provide flexibility in pursing higher education options. Plans can be used for some vocational-technical programs, in addition to universities and colleges, and benefits can transfer to family members.
College savings plans provide tax benefits – Many plans offer tax-deferred growth, and tax-free withdrawals, when used for qualified educational expenses.