Nevada Prepaid Tuition FAQs

A. Nevada Prepaid Tuition is Nevada’s 529 prepaid tuition program, which allows Purchasers to select and purchase a Contract for a specific number of either community college or university level higher education undergraduate in-state Credit Hours at a locked-in Contract price and to pay for that Contract in a lump sum or over an extended period of time.

A. You can enroll online at or an enrollment form can be downloaded from the website and mailed into the State Treasurer’s Office.

A. Open Enrollment dates are set annually. For the 2022 enrollment period, Contracts may be purchased between November 1, 2021, and April 15, 2022.

A. No. Only one Purchaser is allowed to own a Contract. However, other individuals may make gifts and payments toward the Contract. The Purchaser may also appoint a legal successor for the Contract in the event of their death or disability.

A. A Contract will pay the in-state undergraduate basic per Credit Hour cost for course work as established by the Nevada Board of Regents at either two or four-year public colleges and universities located in Nevada, (or as otherwise commonly referred to as “basic in-state tuition”) at the credit level you select on the Contract (university or community college).

A. No. A Beneficiary must meet the admissions requirements of the college of his/her choice and maintain the required academic status. The Program does not guarantee acceptance to, or Nevada residency at any college or university.

A. The Contract is still valid. As long as you continue to make payments, your Beneficiary will be able to use all Contract benefits they are entitled to.

A. You may be able to convert the Contract to a lower cost Contract, increase the years you pay on the Contract to lower the monthly payment, or close the Contract and request a refund. Contact the Prepaid Tuition Office to discuss the specific hardship and associated options.

A. Assets in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund are used to pay for the future costs of Credit Hours purchased under each Contract. The Board, through the State Treasurer’s Office, is responsible for investing the money paid on Contracts in the Truth Fund. The Board does this with the assistance of a professional Investment Manager(s)/Consultant(s). For more information on the Trust Fund, please see the most recent Annual Report, which includes the Actuarial Report and the Annual Audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. The Report can be viewed at

A. Yes. Contract benefits may be used at any Eligible Educational Institution nationwide. See to verify if a school is eligible. However, the cost of In-State Credit Hour rates the Program will pay to any private or out-of-state college or university will not exceed what the Program would have paid to either a two or four-year in-state public college or university in Nevada corresponding to the Contract purchased. The cost of in-state Credit Hour benefits paid may be less than the actual cost of Credit Hours at an out-of-state or private college or university. The Purchaser or Beneficiary will be responsible for payment of any difference between the actual cost of their tuition and the Nevada in-state tuition benefits paid under the Nevada Prepaid Tuition Program Contract.

A.You may transfer the Contract to another qualified Beneficiary who is a Family Member, defer use of the Contract in effect, as the Beneficiary has 6 years post high school graduation to use their benefits, or you may cancel your Contract and request a refund.

A. Yes. The Program may be used in conjunction with a partial scholarship, including the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship. If the scholarship equals or exceeds the Contract benefits, the Purchaser may transfer the Contract to another qualified Beneficiary who is a Family Member, cancel the Contract and request a refund, or defer initial usage to ensure the scholarship covers the beneficiary’s entire attendance. A Beneficiary has 6 years to use his/her Contract benefits.