A. Student Handbook explaining how to use benefits along with an Intent to Enroll form is sent to the beneficiary in the spring of their High School Graduation Year (matriculation date).  Duplicate forms are also available on the Program’s website:  NVPrepaid.gov.  

Required Forms:  Intent to Enroll form signed by both the purchaser and the beneficiary submitted to NPT 60 days prior to enrollment.  This is filed one time, for each higher education institution the student attends. The NPT office will contact the school to begin the tuition payment process on behalf of the beneficiary.   Payment is made directly to the institution on behalf of the student. 

Completion of the Intent to Enroll form is not binding to the institution the student has selected.  The student may change the higher education institution choice at any time prior to the beginning of a school semester.  If a change in higher education institutions is made, a new Intent to Enroll Form will be required.  

Required payment in full:  The Nevada Prepaid Tuition contract must be paid in full, including any outstanding fees, before the contract benefits can be used to pay any higher education institution.