Using Your Benefits FAQs

A. Student Handbook explaining how to use benefits along with an Intent to Enroll form is sent to the beneficiary in the spring of their High School Graduation Year (matriculation date).  Duplicate forms are also available on the Program’s website:  

Required Forms:  Intent to Enroll form signed by both the purchaser and the beneficiary submitted to NPT 60 days prior to enrollment.  This is filed one time, for each higher education institution the student attends. The NPT office will contact the school to begin the tuition payment process on behalf of the beneficiary.   Payment is made directly to the institution on behalf of the student. 

Completion of the Intent to Enroll form is not binding to the institution the student has selected.  The student may change the higher education institution choice at any time prior to the beginning of a school semester.  If a change in higher education institutions is made, a new Intent to Enroll Form will be required.  

Required payment in full:  The Nevada Prepaid Tuition contract must be paid in full, including any outstanding fees, before the contract benefits can be used to pay any higher education institution. 

A:  Any public, private, or out-of state higher education institution that is eligible to participate in student financial aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (  To determine a school’s eligibility and obtain its federal school code please search the Federal Student Aid website at or contact the higher education institution directly. 

A:  Regardless if you attend in state or out-of-state, you must submit and Intent to Enroll Form to the  Nevada Prepaid Tuition office in writing 60 days in advance of the start of a semester by submitting the  out-of-state college or university.  After the Program office receives the Intent to Enroll Form, we will contact the institution to make arrangements for payment. 

If attending out-of-state, please contact the higher education institution’s billing office to establish invoicing procedures.  If the school does not have your Nevada Prepaid Tuition (NPT) information when you register, please have the school contact NPT toll-free at 1-888-477-2667.  You are responsible for letting the higher education institution’s billing office know of any arrangements made with NPT and that they should send an invoice to NPT on your behalf. 

NPT will then pay the school directly after receipt of the invoice.  NPT will transfer to the out-of-state school the same amount that would have been paid to a Nevada in-state institution.  In some instances where the out-of-state/ private school charges less than Nevada’s in-state rate per credit hour, the amount transferred may be less.  You are required to pay the school any difference in tuition that exceeds the amount NPT will pay on your behalf.  

There is a $25 one-time higher education institution, (Private or Out-of-State) Processing Fee that will be billed directly to you for the processing of first semester payments to any private or out-of-state school.  If the processing fee is not paid, it may result in delayed payment for the term, and the school may assess late fees or administratively drop you from your classes.  The fee of $25 must be paid each time you transfer to a new private or out-of-state higher education institution. 

A:  If none of the benefits have been used yet, the contract may be transferred to another qualified beneficiary who is a Family Member that is younger or no more than three years older than the original beneficiary, keep the contract in effect, as the beneficiary has 6 years after the projected college entrance date to use their benefits, or cancel the contract and request a refund. 

A:  The program covers credit hours for tuition only on the beneficiary’s behalf for each academic term the student is enrolled.  Nevada Prepaid Tuition does not cover housing, room and board, new student, recycling, health, technology, lab, surcharges, or any other fees the higher education institution may charge. 

A:  No, The Nevada Prepaid Tuition Program will pay the Eligible Institution the exact number of credit hours the beneficiary is registered for each semester.  The Program will stop paying benefits once the Program has paid the total number of credit hours purchased. 

A:  Yes.  Nevada Prepaid Tuition will pay when the beneficiary attends a higher education institution and directs the Program to pay on his/her behalf through the completion of an Intent to Enroll form.  Benefits will be paid according to the contract purchased. For example, if a beneficiary has a Two-Year Community College Plan and attends a four-year university, NPT will pay the university the community college credit hour rate and the beneficiary is financially responsible to pay the difference at the higher education institution he/she is attending.  If the beneficiary has a Four-Year University Plan and attends a community college, NPT will pay the community college rate. Upon completion of the beneficiary’s education, the purchaser may request a refund of the remaining balance, if one exists, pursuant to the Nevada College Savings Board current policy. 

A:  Your Nevada Prepaid Tuition account and the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship are completely compatible and work together to cover qualified higher education expenses associated with a Nevada higher education institution.  You may use the Prepaid Tuition Benefits to pay credit hour costs (tuition) and the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship funds to pay for fees, books, course materials, etc.  As a Millennium Scholar you may utilize your scholarship benefits at any eligible Nevada institution of higher education. 

A:  Nevada Prepaid Tuition pays benefits on a semester-by-semester basis, so the beneficiary will be able to apply benefits to the new school.  Please notify the Prepaid Tuition office as soon as possible with transfer plans and a new  “Intent to Enroll Form” to ensure the office staff has time to make payment arrangements with the new school.  Again, please submit an Intent to Enroll Form 60 days prior to the beginning of the new semester.  A fee of $25 will be assessed for each transfer to a private and/or out-of-state institution.  

You are responsible for notifying us of your intent to transfer by filling out a new Intent to Enroll Form.  Intent to Enroll Forms can be obtained from our website at 

A:  The Beneficiary has six years from their matriculation date to use their Nevada Prepaid Tuition Benefits.  Upon acceptable documentation submitted to the Program, time may be extended for any period during which the Beneficiary was either on active duty in the Armed Services of the United States, or has been actively serving or participating in a charitable religious or public service assignment or mission.   

A:  With the 2017 Legislative session, some changes were made to the regulations and statues to allow unused credit hours to be used towards graduate work or transferred to another qualified beneficiary in certain instances. 

If the beneficiary completes his/her undergraduate degree, and has remaining credit hours in his/her contract:  1.  He/she may be able to apply those credit hours towards a graduate program, paid at the undergraduate program credit hour rate and within the 6 year usage period.  2.  The contract with remaining credit hours may be transferred to a another qualified beneficiary to be used within the 6 year expiration date of the original beneficiary provided that the transfer does not result in any one beneficiary having more than 120 credit hours and that all other contract provisions are met.  Please contact the Prepaid Tuition Program for specific information as how it may apply to you.